biaya-biaya total bahasa Inggris
- biaya-biaya: costs
- total: gross; utter; complete
- total biaya: total cost
- biaya: defrayment; expense; expenses; fee; overheads; retainer; sel; stockholding; supplie; cost; costs; tax; price; outgo; tribute; fare; disbursal; outlay; finance; endowment fund; spending; monetary val
- biaya-biaya import: charges for port of entry
- biaya-biaya tetap: fixed costs; overheads
- biaya-biaya variabel: variable costs
- biaya-biaya variable: variable expenses
- akun biaya: cost account
- akuntansi biaya: cost accounting
- alokasi biaya: cost allocation
- anggaran biaya: estimate of costs
- atas biaya: at the expense of
- bebas biaya: for free; free of charge; free; gratis
- biaya abnormal: abnormal cost